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Real-time PCR system and AccuSEQ software

Real-time PCR detection software

Applied Biosystems AccuSEQ Real-Time PCR

Detection Software supports the unique needs of analytical testing of contaminants and impurities during the biopharmaceutical manufacturing process, as well as routine qPCR assays. AccuSEQ software is part of the integrated workflow for mycoplasma detection, residual host cell protein (HCP) quantitation, residual Protein A quantitation, and residual DNA quantitation. Advanced algorithms built in to the AccuSEQ real-time PCR software automate the analysis of presence/absence calls for the MycoSEQ Mycoplasma Detection Assay based on the melting temperature (Tm), cycle at threshold (Ct), and the derivative value (Dv) of the test sample and inhibition control, according to user specifications.

Nonlinear curve fitting enables rapid analysis of ProteinSEQ Protein Quantitation System data. Nextgeneration algorithms is designed to deliver accurate quantitation data for the resDNASEQ Host Cell Residual DNA Quantitation System with automatic calculation of dilution adjusted quantity, % recovery, and % CV.

AccuSEQ Real-Time PCR Detection Software, version 3.0